How To Enroll
Early Childhood Program
Enrollment in the Early Childhood program is available through the MySchoolDC common lottery. The lottery period for SY2014-2015 is currently closed. Please complete an application on to be placed on the waitlist for seats on the PS3 or PK4 program. Seats will be offered on a rolling basis throughout the year. The lottery for SY2015-2016 will be open from December 15 until March 2; open houses and tours will be held at HD Cooke for prospective families to visit the school and get to know our community. Results will be released March 27, 2015.
If you have been offered a seat at HD Cooke, please complete the enrollment forms and return completed forms and supporting documentation to the front office. Be prepared to demonstrate DC residency and, if applicable, in boundary or sibling status. For more information on what documents are required to prove DC residency status, please click here:

Elementary Program
Enrollment at HD Cooke for kindergarten through Grade 5 is guaranteed to students who reside within the school boundary. To determine what school your child is assigned to, please enter your address on this website: If you would like to attend HD Cooke but do not live within the boundary, you can apply out of bounds using the MySchoolDC common lottery.
2525 17th Street NW,
Washington DC 20009